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My name’s Tegan and I’m new to the Centre 4 Health team.

I originally am from the Gold Coast, Queensland where I worked alongside physiotherapists.

The reason why I chose to become a Remedial Therapist predominantly comes from my experience with loved ones suffering from pain associated with chronic illness. This experience drove me to find ways to ease their pain, and so my journey began in the physical therapy field.

I’m passionate about relieving pain existing in the body to enable people to function at their best.

Physical pain can affect so many aspects of our lives, it not only challenges us physically but also psychologically, impacting our behaviour, our mood and everyday functioning. Pain can affect our quality of life and hold us back from enjoyable and or necessary activities.

My ability to relieve people’s pain through my application of remedial techniques and knowledge of the anatomy, brings me great pleasure. To witness the progress that my patients make from their treatments, bringing them a better quality of life, is thoroughly rewarding and motivates me to excel in my craft to be the best I can be.

I take particular interest in chronic pain, nerve pain and relieving pain associated with chronic illnesses such as Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy and MS.

Working with these issues, I create tailored treatments individualised to each patient, so to achieve the very best outcome from each session. I adopt a team-based approach with my therapy, as I believe it’s the relationship between a therapist and their patient that can either hinder or enhance a patient’s ability to heal.

I take interest in working with people who suffer from cervicogenic headaches or headaches that come from problems/pain in the neck.

A cervicogenic headache (CGH) presents as unilateral pain that starts in the neck and is referred from bony structures or soft tissues of the neck. It is a common chronic and recurrent headache that usually starts after neck movement. It usually accompanies a reduced range of motion (ROM) of the neck.

Having this type of headache is hard to relieve through the use of pain killers alone and can cause not only horrible headaches and neck pain, but also brain fog, intermittent blurry vision and fatigue.

I’ve found through specific techniques applied to the neck and head I’ve been able to successfully relieve these headaches, improving quality of life for my patients.

I’m so excited to begin my journey at Centre 4 Health and I look forward to helping you reach your health goals.

To book an appointment with Tegan, just call Centre 4 Health on 9193 2170 or you can book online here.