Awareness Through Movement
A Feldenkrais group session is called an Awareness Through Movement class. These classes use slow and mindful movements to create powerful effects in terms of strength, flexibility and mind-body integration.
These classes focus on functional movements that relate to every day activities such as sitting, walking, lifting and getting up and down from the floor. As you attend to improving the quality of each movement, unnecessary muscle tensions throughout the body can reorganise and release.
What does a class involve?
Just like a yoga or tai chi class, each person has a mat to themselves and movements are performed lying on your back, side and front as well as occasional sitting and standing. The instructor delivers verbal instructions on how to perform the movements, whilst directing you to pay attention to different things.
Classes begin with very small and basic movements and build up towards more complex and challenging sequences. In between movements, you are given the chance to rest as the instructor guides you to pay attention to the changes that may have occurred to your system.
What will I get out of an ATM class?
Awareness Through Movement classes allow people to become aware of what their habitual movement habits are, whilst helping them to discover new and improved ways of moving. Each class has its own theme to improve overall functioning such as breathing, pelvic movements, rolling, head and eye coordination, shoulder blade sliding and balancing on one foot.
After a class, you may feel lighter, taller, looser, smoother in your movements and more grounded. Other benefits include improved breathing, better balance and posture, reduced stress and anxiety and a greater understanding of your own body.
What experience do I need?
No experience is necessary to try out an ATM class! All you need is a willingness to engage in a process that may be different from what you have previously experienced. Movements are generally done slowly as you are encouraged to learn to how to fully control a movement whilst performing it with the least amount of effort required.
If you do have a serious injury or any other restrictions, you may benefit from having a series of private one-on-one Feldenkrais sessions. If you are unsure of what would be best for you, please contact us to speak to one of our experienced practitioners.